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How to customize and secure the WordPress login page

Today, we’re going to look at a page that is too often neglected… The one on which you certainly find yourself several times a day, but that you don’t even look at anymore. The famous WordPress login page.

That’s right! Whether you want to work on your website or those of your clients, this is the mandatory step to connect to the administration and the dashboard. Except that, by default, it’s a bit boring, but most of all, not very original…

If you chose WordPress for its many customization possibilities, then why settle for this common interface for all users? And if it’s for your clients, it adds a little extra customization. A small gesture at first glance, but it’s a nice attention that will improve their customer experience. 😉

You could try to get into the code, spend a lot of time there and tear your hair out… Or make your life easier with a good plugin that has proven itself! Alright, because we know your time is precious, WPMarmite has found the perfect plugin for you: Custom Login Page Customizer. Follow the tutorial, let’s go!

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What is the WordPress Login Page?

WordPress login page 101:

This page is the gateway to the administration of your website. This is where you will be able to create pages, blog posts, customize your theme, add plugins etc.

To get there, just add /wp-admin or /wp-login after the URL of your site (e.g. www.mysupersite/wp-admin ). We will see later in this post how to modify this URL to make your website more secure.

By default, you’ll find:

All this on a beautiful grey background. Whoa! 😉

So even if minimalist design is in line with current trends, we’ll give you a few tips on how to add your own personal touch without falling into an over-the-top customization.

Why change your login page?

To respect the graphic design

You’ve certainly spent some time fine-tuning the design of the different pages of your website, it would be a shame to stop on such a good path. In this sense, customizing the login page according to the graphic design is not a waste! If you deliver this website to a client, he/she will certainly be delighted to log in on an interface that suits him/her. It also shows your professionalism, and that you are comfortable with WordPress.

To harmonize the user experience of the website

It is possible that you have created several profiles, so that contributors or subscribers can connect to a member area. In this case, customization becomes particularly interesting to standardize the design. This is the case for WPMarmite, and take a look at our beautiful login page:

Why on Earth is WPMarmite using a cooking-related image? Well, read the below yellow note…

In WPMarmite, the Marmite bit means “pot”, in French. So, we’re pretty fond of cooking-related jokes and pictures, related to… the pot. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work in English because you guys probably picture this type of Marmite. That’s why I thought we had to give you some explanation about the choice of that image. 🙂

So, are you convinced? (About the customization, not the Marmite…)

Custom Login Page Customizer: presentation of the plugin and its settings

Let’s get to the heart of the matter. The Login Customizer plugin, developed by Hardeep Asrani and available in open source, has to date more than 80,000 active installations, for a rating of 4.5/5 stars.

For the step-by-step tutorial, this is where it happens!

Install the plugin

Go to the official plugin page, download the Zip file.

Then go to your dashboard > Plugins > Add New. Click on the Upload Plugin button > Choose file button, then browse your computer’s explorer / finder (or simply drag the plugin .zip file): .

Click on Install Now, then Activate Plugin.

Alternatively, you can also search directly via the WordPress plugins directory.

Go to Plugins > Add New and use the search bar to find Custom Login Page Customizer plugin.

Click on Install Now and then on Activate (it will be the same button so be patient during installation).


WARNING: unlike many plugins that directly propose a “Settings” button next to the “Activate” button, or access from the “Tools” or “Settings” tabs, you will find the customization settings in the menu Appearance > Login Customizer. Are you there?

Well, it starts rather well: the customization menu is very complete. And what’s great is that you can directly see the modifications in WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get 😉 ), i.e. by viewing the rendering of each action, live.

Now let’s detail the settings step by step.


For those of you in a hurry, 3 templates are available.

Even if they remain rather impersonal, they give you an idea of the possible changes, and it is a good basis to get started. Choose the style you prefer, then you can modify and adjust the elements one by one.

Background: customizable

You can choose the background color of your choice by entering its hexadecimal code.

But if you prefer to use an image, this is also possible. You can then define if the image stays in its original format (original), if it fits to screen, if it fills the screen whatever the format (fill to screen), or even define the format of your choice (custom).

If you have chosen a format that does not completely cover the screen, you can repeat it horizontally or vertically.

Finally, specify the origin and position the background image precisely using the directional arrows.


You can decide whether or not to display a logo, and customize it.

Upload your media, then adjust its size in width and height, pixels or percentage. Adjusting in percentage has the advantage of enabling a better responsive fit on any screen.

It is possible to set the padding, i.e. the margin between the logo and the login form, again in pixels (px) or as a percentage.

Finally, modify the URL of the logo to redirect to your home page rather than to the website.

Form: on the login page

Now let’s customize the insert that allows you to log in. As for the page background, it is possible to add a background color or image.

Then play with the form format: width and height (pix or %), padding of the different fields (top, bottom, left and right), radius to round off the edges.

To add relief, the shadow spread setting adds a shadow to the back of the form. You can then define its scope, choose its color and set the transparency.

Fields: to fill

The Disable remember me setting removes the checkbox that allows your browser to save the password. If you have an effective strategy for managing your passwords, this may be relevant.

Here again, there is a wide range of changes available to you:

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Button: to login

In a good Call To Action, the button must be eye-catching. To make it stand out from the previous settings, options, and more options:


Now we’re getting to the end. The term Other is a little enigmatic, but it actually concerns only the 2 elements present by default under the insert:

Custom CSS and JavaScript

Finally, the last tab gives you the possibility to enter code by hand, if you want to go further in the settings.

Don’t forget to press the publish button before closing the customizer, so you don’t lose all the preferences you just set up.

That’s it: your administration page is customized, are you proud of the result? You want to show this wonderful page to everyone? Too bad, that’s not the goal! 😉

Secure access to the back office

If you’re a regular on WPMarmite’s website, you know how important it is to secure your WordPress site.

Customize the login URL and slugs

First of all, remember that if you know where to find the administration access URL… Hackers and robots will know it too!

To limit brute force attacks, it’s better to be safe than sorry: we give you a few tips on how to throw a spanner in the works of hackers.

First thing to do, modify the URL of the wp-admin page thanks to the Move Login plugin:

Download, install then activate the application to access the settings. You will then be able to modify the URLs most targeted by the robots: login page, logout, registration, password reset, etc.

Choose slugs that are easy to remember, but not too explicit (avoid your initials or your ID), and don’t hesitate to save the new address as a favorite on your browser for easier access.

Disable or modify error messages

Remember to disable error messages, or at least make them a bit more ambiguous… Don’t tell hackers that it’s specifically the login or password that are wrong, leave a bit of mystery 😉 and redirect login errors to your home page.

Choose strong usernames and passwords

For hackers, it is relatively simple to inspect the code for the names of the different contributors of a website. So avoid using the authors’ names as IDs, and always remember to customize the usernames.

Pay special attention to passwords: avoid 123mysite, mycatsname and other combinations that are easy to remember, and prefer a mix of different characters (lowercase, uppercase, numbers and special characters).

Alternatives to Login Customizer

Here, the login page automatically adjusts to your theme. Customization is a one-click process, of course, but you have no possibility to change the elements one by one. Use this if you are in a hurry and not too concerned about the finishing touches.

To conclude, we can tell you that the Login Customizer plugin really convinced us, especially thanks to its numerous customization possibilities.

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We appreciate:

Needs improvement:

But that’s really because we’re fussy, and we don’t have much to complain about this plugin! 😉

And you, have you thought about customizing the login pages for the administration of your WordPress websites? Have you tested other plugins that work?

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