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Is Smush the best WordPress plugin to compress and optimize your images?


A beautiful photo often makes a lasting impression. On an ecommerce site, for example, it’s an essential element for presenting your product, making it look appealing, and encouraging a purchase.

However, a beautiful photo can also be a false friend. The heavier they are, the more likely images are to slow down the loading speed of your pages.

Alert, slow site detected!

Imagine a WordPress site with hundreds of overweight photos. The negative impact on the user experience and conversions, in particular, can be serious.

Fortunately, there are solutions like the Smush plugin that allow you to optimize your overly large images.

By the end of this article, you’ll know this plugin inside and out and how to set it up in detail. You will also know if you should use it.

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What is Smush on WordPress?

Smush is a WordPress image optimization plugin. It allows you to compress your images from the dashboard of your website without loss of quality that is visible to the naked eye. Its main benefit lies in improving the loading time of your pages.

With 1M+ active installations, it’s one of the most popular plugins for optimizing images in the official directory.

It’s also the best rated, with an overall rating of 4.8 out of 5 out of nearly 6,000 reviews at the time of writing.

Also known as WP Smush, the plugin has been developed and maintained since 2014 by one of the strongest companies in the WordPress ecosystem: WPMU DEV.

Present in the circuit since 2007, WPMU DEV is a platform that offers many tools for developers, freelancers, and agencies. To date, it offers its 49,000 customers:

In order to attract a good number of users, WP — its former name — has focused on two main aspects:

What are Smush’s main options?

In its free version, the Smush plugin on WordPress offers the following features (a non-exhaustive list):

Why is the optimization of your images important?

Before we get to the technical part, related to the configuration of the WP Smush plugin, I would like to draw your attention to the importance of optimizing your images.

It is essential that you get into the habit of reducing their weight for the following reasons:

That’s a lot of good reasons.

Well, that’s it for the theoretical explanations. It’s time to get your hands dirty, as they say. Let’s go and set up Smush, but without coding, I assure you!

How to configure the Smush plugin on WordPress

Step 1: Install and activate the plugin

First, install the Smush plugin on your WordPress dashboard. Go to the Plugins > Add New menu. In the search bar, type “smush” and click on “Install Now”:

Finish the operation by activating the plugin. Now you will see a new menu called “Smush” in your left sidebar.

It contains all the options and settings of the plugin, in several submenus (Dashboard, Bulk Smush, Directory Smush, Lazy Load, etc.):

Step 2: Define the basic settings

Whichever menu you choose to browse, a highlighted window should appear on your screen.

This is a configuration wizard that you can use to fine-tune your initial settings. You can also skip this step and choose your settings later, if you prefer.

Smush recommends that you first share your usage data with them to improve the plugin. Check the corresponding box if you like, then click on “Begin Setup”:

In the initial set-up, Smush offers you several types of settings, which you can activate with one click:

Smush activates these four settings by default. You can just leave this as is, unless you are already using a plugin with a similar feature.

For example, if you are using the WP Rocket caching plugin, there is no need to activate the “Lazy Load” option. WP Rocket already offers this feature (for images, iframes, embeds, etc.), so it would be a duplicate.

When you’re satisfied with everything, click on “Finish Setup Wizard”:

Smush redirects you to its “Bulk Smush” menu. In my case, Smush tells me that it has detected five images in my Media Library that need optimization:

Learn how to proceed to compress them all at once just below.

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How to compress your images on WordPress with Smush

How to optimize your images in bulk

When you are in the “Bulk Smush” menu, you can first change several settings (in the “Settings” insert) before optimizing your images in bulk. Here is what you can set:

When you are done, save by clicking on the blue “Save changes” button.

Now you just need to optimize your images in bulk by clicking on the “Bulk Smush Now” button:

When all your images are optimized, Smush displays a 100% progress circle (in green). You can also get a preview of the total compressed weight.

Here we can see that Smush has compressed 35 images (including thumbnails), for a total weight reduction of 6.4%:

How to optimize your images individually with Smush

Bulk optimization is very convenient, especially if you have many files to process. The more images you have, the more time you will save.

However, you may just want to optimize your images one by one, as it comes up. If you only upload a few from time to time to your Media Library, this will be efficient enough.

Individual optimization is also useful if you just want to optimize the weight of a particular image (provided you have not activated the Automatic Compression option beforehand).

To do this, go to the Media > Media Library menu. Choose the photo of your choice, and click on “Smush”:

Note that if you click on the “Ignore” link, Smush will not take this image into account during a future mass optimization.

That’s it for the basic Smush functionality: image compression. Now you know how to use it in bulk and individually.

However, this plugin’s range of features doesn’t end there. It has even more resources to offer you for free. We’ll introduce them in the next section.

What are the other options of Smush in the free version?

Smush directory

By default, Smush only optimizes images uploaded to your Media Library (those that end up in the uploads directory of your WordPress installation).

If images are present in other directories of your site (e.g. those of your theme), you can also put them on a slimming diet with the “Directory Smush” feature.

In the relevant menu (Smush > Directory Smush), click on the blue button entitled “Choose Directory”.

Smush only allows you to select the directory wp-content. You cannot choose the directories wp-admin and wp-includes, because they contain the CMS Core files.

Select the folder containing the images to be optimized. For the example, I have chosen the files contained in the “Images” directory of the Twenty Twenty-Two theme:

Finish by clicking on the blue button “Choose Directory.” That’s it!

Lazy load

Without transition, let’s move on to another feature of Smush: the lazy load. Here, you will not compress your images, but delay their display on the screen of your visitors.

This allows you, among other things, to reduce the load on your hosting server: it will not have to load all the images of your site at the same time.

By activating the lazy load option, the images will be displayed as the user scrolls through the page.

In concrete terms, if a visitor doesn’t scroll through your entire page, the images located in your footer will not be loaded, for example.

Several settings are available in the Smush > Lazy Load menu, such as:


In its free version, Smush offers integrations with:

To activate one or the other of the proposed integrations, go through the Smush > Integrations menu and check the box of your choice (you must first install WPBakery and Gravity Forms, of course):

With Smush Pro, the plugin is also able to optimize images stored in the cloud on the Amazon S3 service with the WP Offload Media plugin, as well as images uploaded to a gallery created with the NextGen Gallery plugin.

Other settings and dashboard

Finally, you’ll find two more useful settings in the Smush > Settings menu:

Finally, you will find a direct access to all the features presented so far directly on your dashboard (Smush > Dashboard).

Call-to-action buttons redirect you to the different submenus (Bulk Smush, Directory Smush, Lazy Load, etc.).

We’re done with the free version. Now see what the Pro version has in store for you.

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Smush Pro: features in the paid version

What does Smush Pro offer?

One of the strengths of WP Smush is that it offers a multitude of options in its free version.

But you can go even further with its premium plugin, called Smush Pro. Here are the main additional features offered, compared to the free version:

Premium Version Pricing

If you wish to opt for Smush Pro, you will have to opt for a monthly membership including all WPMU DEV plugins (Smush Pro cannot be purchased alone).

The subscription for use on one site starts at $7.50/month. For use on an unlimited number of sites, budget $82.50/month.

A free 7-day trial is offered, as well as a 30-day money back guarantee.

What are the alternatives to WP Smush?

Before concluding this test, I wanted to give you an overview of competing solutions to Smush that are present on the market. If you haven’t made your choice yet, don’t hesitate to have a look at the alternatives below:

That’s it for these additional options. Now let’s summarize what we’ve just covered.

Our final opinion on Smush

Advantages of Smush


Who is Smush for?

Smush is an efficient and easy-to-use plugin to optimize the weight of your images. Because of its ease of use, it’s intended for all types of users, from beginners to advanced.

You’ll get good results using Smush, but should you use it? Actually, it all depends on your needs. When choosing an image optimization plugin, I advise you to consider the following criteria:

Personally, I think that the paid version of Smush is mainly intended for people who want to take advantage of all the tools and plugins of WPMU DEV (mainly developers and webmasters maintaining several sites).

The free version is useful, but it won’t necessarily be necessary for you if you have a site or a blog containing only a few dozen media (the same applies to other image optimization plugins).

If this is your case, get into the habit of compressing your images with an online tool like Squoosh or TinyPNG, before uploading them to WordPress. This way, you avoid activating an additional plugin.

Finally, personally, I prefer Imagify over Smush. Imagify gets excellent results in image compression. This plugin can be used on an unlimited number of sites, for a lower price than Smush if you have a “normal” size site ($4.99 for 500 MB, or about 5,000 images).

But you may not share my point of view. I’d love to hear your perspective. So, what do you think of Smush?

Share your opinion in the comments.

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