The toolbar is the horizontal menu bar at the top of the screen for users logged in to the administration. However, the links in the toolbar will be displayed according to the user’s role. Only links that a user has access to will be visible.

Users can also choose to hide the toolbar display when they are on the public interface of the site. This is done by editing their profile and unchecking the “Toolbar” checkbox (display the toolbar when you visit the site).

By default after installation, the toolbar will show the following links:

  • On the left, the WordPress logo will give you access to various resources such as documentation, support forum, feedback.
  • Clicking on the link with the name of your site will take you to the public interface as visitors will see it. If you visit your site while logged in, the toolbar will remain at your disposal to allow you to quickly access its functionalities. Several shortcuts are present to help you write a new post, add media, create a page or a new user. It is also possible to access comments, customize the appearance of your site or see if there are theme or plugin updates to be made. By clicking on the name of the site, you go back to the administration part. The dropdown menu also allows you to access other pages of the administration in one click.
  • In the right part of the toolbar, by hovering over the item named “howdy, so-and-so”, a new menu appears. It includes two links leading to your profile to allow you to modify your information. The third link allows you to log out from the administration.