
Ninja Forms: we infiltrated and tested this form plugin

If I say “ninja”, what do you think of? To me, three ideas come to mind:

In this post, we will focus on the third reference, the one related to the form plugin. In advance, my apologies to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans who thought they were in for a revival.

For your webmaster/site creator activity, Ninja Forms will be more interesting to talk about. At the end of these lines, you will know everything about how it works, its qualities and its weaknesses.

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What is Ninja Forms?

Ninja Forms is a freemium WordPress plugin that allows you to create different types of forms (contact, login, booking, payment etc.) without coding. It uses drag and drop and offers ready-made form templates to avoid starting from scratch.

Ninja Forms is available in two versions:

With more than 30 million downloads and 800K active installations, it is one of the most popular plugins for creating a form in the official directory, behind Contact Form 7 (5M+ active installations) and WPForms (5M+ active installations).

Read on to find out what Ninja Forms is all about, and why it has attracted massive audiences.

What are the main features of Ninja Forms?

A plugin designed for beginners…

“100% beginner friendly”. This is the major marketing argument put forward by Ninja Forms.

Its main target is non-technical users who don’t know how to – or don’t want to – code to create a form, but still want a professional look.

For this purpose, Ninja Forms offers several valuable features:

… but also for developers

If Ninja Forms allows you to design easy-to-use forms “that will make you feel like a professional web developer”, its creators have also thought about developers.

With Ninja Forms, users can easily improve or optimize their forms thanks to the available hooks, very useful to extend the features of the plugin.

Besides that, Ninja Forms also offers an extension called Webhooks, to send your form data to a third-party tool that doesn’t offer integration with WordPress.

Ninja Forms, a scalable plugin

The possibility to create various forms with Ninja Forms

Its description makes it clear: Ninja Forms is a form builder, in the broadest sense.

Obviously, you can set up contact forms with it. But limiting it only to that would be far too reductive. In fact, the creative possibilities are almost unlimited (provided you use a license or premium add-ons).

Ninja Forms lists about fifty types of forms in its Frequently Asked Questions on its official directory page. Among the examples, we find:

Advanced options offered in premium

While Ninja Forms offers a base with classic fields (name, first name, email, phone, message, send button, etc.) to create relatively simple forms in its free version, it is possible to go much further with its premium offer.

Depending on the add-on or license you use, you can:

Integrations with third-party tools to automate your processes

Finally, you won’t be outdone in terms of flexibility with Ninja Forms. It integrates with an ecosystem of over 1,000 services, thanks to its integration with Zapier.

This form plugin is very practical too thanks to an integration with an email marketing platform. Ninja Forms does the job, since you can connect it to Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign (in premium, though), to name a few.

In this case, the contact information of your visitors that you have collected will land directly in the contact list of your choice.

That’s it for this first overview that allowed us to make the presentations. Now, let’s discover more in detail the personality and character of this form plugin.

To do this, we’re going to put it through the mill to see what it’s all about. Through a concrete example, you will learn how to design a contact form from scratch. Jump in!

How to create a contact form with Ninja Forms in 4 steps

In order to explain how Ninja Forms works, we’re going to use the free version of the plugin, which is sufficient to create an efficient contact form. Of course, if you want to benefit from additional options, the Pro version will be more complete. We will detail its features and prices later in this post.

Step 1: Install and enable the plugin

To begin, install the plugin from the back office of your WordPress site.

To do this, go to Plugins > Add New:

After enabling the plugin, you will see a settings menu called “Ninja Forms” in the left sidebar of your admin. This general menu is broken down into 7 sub-menus.

This is where you will start creating any new form:

To install Ninja Forms after purchase, upload the zip file of your membership or add-on to your client area, then add it to your WordPress site in Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.

Step 2: Choose a form template

Without any transition, let’s move on to step 2: adding a new form. To do this, follow this path: Ninja Forms > Add New.

The plugin sends you to a page with 3 tabs:

To design our contact form, we will use the template called “Contact Us”. Click on it to enable it.

Of course, you still have the option of starting from a blank page, by choosing the “Blank Form” template.

Step 3: Add fields to your form with Ninja Forms

A clear, full-screen interface

That’s it: you’re on the Ninja Forms editing interface. At first glance, you’ll notice that it’s clean and not overloaded.

It is set to full screen to avoid distractions, allowing you to focus entirely on creating your form.

Let’s break down how it is organized and how it works:

What types of fields are proposed?

Click on the “+” button to add the fields of your choice, divided into 4 categories:

  1. Common fields: checkbox(es), drop-down list, images, send, paragraph, date/time, multiple selection, radio buttons, text line.
  2. User info fields: address, city, email, first name, last name, country, city, phone, zip code.
  3. Layout fields: HTML, repeatable field set, divider.
  4. Miscellaneous fields: confirmed, hidden, number, reCAPTCHA, anti-spam, star rating.

In total, no less than 28 fields are offered to you with the free version. This is a very large number that makes Ninja Forms stand out from the competition in this particular area.

For comparison, one of its competitors, WPForms, offers “only” 10 fields in its free version.

With Ninja Forms, you can enjoy the classic fields that are essential for any contact form (name, first name, email, send etc.), but also more advanced fields to design more advanced forms (notes, repeatable field set, etc.).

How to add and customize fields in your form?

To add a new field to your form, hover over it with your mouse, then drag and drop it to the desired area on your form.

To customize it, click on it. You can then:

By hovering over each field, you can also access quick actions to delete, duplicate or modify the field:

Step 4: Make the final settings

Once your fields are integrated and configured, you can fine-tune your form using the last two settings tabs. “Emails and actions” offers you 4 options:

  1. Record Submission (record data each time a form is submitted). You can exclude certain fields and set a time limit after which the data will be deleted.
  2. Email Confirmation to let your visitor know that the form has been submitted.
  3. Email Notification to let the site administrator (e.g. you) know that someone has completed and submitted your form.
  4. Display a Success Message as soon as the user submits a form.

Each option is activated and deactivated with one click and can be individually set as a field by clicking on it.

Finally, the “Advanced” tab has two options:

  1. “Display Settings”. In this menu, you can choose to display the title of your form, to delete the fields and to hide the form after sending. You can also change the position of the default tag (above, below, to the left, to the right or hidden in relation to its field).
  2. “Restrictions” allows you to accept only one form submission per user, if you wish. To do this, select the “Email” field in the “Unique Field” box.

And that’s it, your form is ready. Publish it by clicking on the relevant button. Now you will learn how to integrate it into your content.

By default, Ninja Forms does not offer any options to customize the visual appearance of your form (colors, typography, border, background etc.). The plugin inherits the style of your theme, to ensure a certain style continuity.
To precisely influence the style of your form, you will need to add CSS code or use the “Layout and Styles” add-on.

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How to integrate a form with Ninja Forms in your content?

How to embed a form in a page or post?

Your form is all shiny and new. So let your visitors enjoy it by adding it to your posts and/or pages. Ninja Forms offers 3 ways to integrate a form.

Use the Gutenberg block proposed by Ninja Forms

The first option is to use the Gutenberg block proposed by Ninja Forms. Go to the page of your choice (e.g. your Contact page), and add the block called “Ninja Form”.

All you have to do is select your form from the drop-down list and it will be displayed:

Use the “Shortcode” block

Second option, very similar. Except that this time, the name of the block changes. Select the “Shortcode” block and paste it, associated with your form inside.

You can find this shortcode in Ninja Forms > Dashboard. It is in this format: [ninja_form id=2].

Append your form

Don’t like Gutenberg blocks? Then you can also add your form to your content by selecting it in the “Append a Ninja Form” box located in the “Page” tab of the WordPress content editor.

However, in this case, you will not be able to choose where your form will be displayed. By default, it will be positioned at the end, after your content.

How to integrate a form with Ninja Forms into a widget area?

Pages and posts are the main types of content offered by WordPress. But these are not the only places where you can add a form.

It is also possible to integrate it into a widget area such as your sidebar or footer.

The number and type of widget areas offered depend on the theme you use. It may not offer a sidebar, for example.

In practice, you have two ways to proceed:

How to integrate Ninja Forms with Elementor?

Let’s continue to talk about integration, because it’s not over yet. If you’re part of the huge user base (more than 10 millions) of the Elementor page builder, you should know that you can take advantage of a dedicated integration to the most popular page builder of the WordPress ecosystem.

To do so, simply select the “Ninja Forms” widget on the Elementor editor, then select the form of your choice. With this, you will be able to customize the look and feel of your form directly from the Elementor interface.

Build your website with Elementor

Design easily the look and feel of your WordPress website with the famous page builder.

How to create a public link to access your form directly?

Finally, there is one last way to display your form to your visitors. Rather than embedding it in your pages, you can offer your visitors direct access to it by clicking on a link.

To do this, here are the steps to follow:

What additional settings does Ninja Forms offer?

Your current form is already functional and efficient, but you can tweak it and fine-tune it a bit more thanks to some of the options offered in the general menu of Ninja Forms.

To see it more clearly, let’s take a look at each sub-menu.


Here you will find all the forms you have created, with their creation date and their shortcode.

Clicking on the gear icon allows you to Edit, Duplicate, Preview and Delete a form.

You can also add a form from this dashboard, and enable the services and add-ons offered by Ninja Forms.


The “Submissions” sub-menu compiles the data related to your leads, i.e. the people who have filled in and submitted one or more of your forms.

For example, for each form you will find:

You can download all this data if you wish.


As the name suggests, this sub-menu allows you to import or export your forms. For example, you can use it to export one of your forms to another WordPress site that you manage.

Note that you can also import or export only certain fields of your choice.


Within this submenu, you can make:

It is also in the “Settings” sub-menu that you can activate the memberships of your add-ons, via the “Memberships” tab.

What are the add-ons offered by Ninja Forms?

While the free version of Ninja Forms is already well stocked with options, it is possible to go much further with add-ons that you can purchase individually.

The list of add-ons can be found in Ninja Forms > Add-ons.

At the time of writing, there are 41 add-ons in several categories:

Ninja Forms also offers an add-on to connect WordPress to Zapier. With this tool, you can integrate your forms with hundreds of different services.

Of course, these add-ons have a cost. I’ll tell you more about this in the next section about Ninja Forms’ pricing.

How much does Ninja Forms cost?

Are you interested in the Ninja Forms premium package? There are two ways to get it.

Opt for a Membership

First of all, you can buy one of the 4 Memberships offered by Ninja Forms:

When choosing between these memberships, please take into account:

Buying an add-on individually

If you are only interested in one or more add-ons, you can also buy them individually. Ninja Forms was originally designed to be an add-on only (the developers later sold memberships).

In some cases, an add-on can be more advantageous than a membership.

Each add-on is offered in 3 packages:

Understood about the prices? Then let’s move on to the thorny issue of GDPR.

What about the GDPR compliance?

When we talk about forms, there is often a word that comes back to our mouth. Well, rather an acronym: GDPR.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) governs the processing of personal data within the European Union. And this concerns in particular the information that you will collect on your visitors (e.g. name, first name, email, etc.) each time they will fill in and send one of your forms.

Several rules must be respected in order to be compliant. To make sure you don’t make any mistake, the best thing to do is to contact a specialist in the field if you have any doubt.

You can also check the following resources to help you comply:

Well, I think we’ve done a pretty complete tour of the plugin. So let’s recap everything we’ve seen so far.

Our final review on Ninja Forms

As a conclusion, let’s go over the strengths and weaknesses of Ninja Forms. I’ll finish by telling you who I think the plugin is for.



Who is Ninja Forms for?

In the end, Ninja Forms is more appealing than disappointing, with benefits that seem to outweigh the drawbacks.

First of all, it’s a plugin that will satisfy non-technical users and beginners, thanks to its simplicity of use. Its free version will be enough if you want to design a contact form without coding, in a visual way.

As it has more than one trick up its sleeve, Ninja Forms will also appeal to more technical profiles, thanks to the many hooks it offers.

Download the Ninja Forms plugin:

If I had to compare it to some competitors when making a choice, I would say that its free version is equal to WPForms. The latter plugin offers fewer fields than Ninja Forms, but in my opinion, its form building interface is even easier to use.

In premium, an alternative like Gravity Forms (affiliate link), for example, will be cheaper and just as powerful.

What about you, what’s your opinion on Ninja Forms? Share your feedback in the comments.

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