A favicon is the small icon that we find in the tabs of our browsers. Its name comes from the contraction of the English terms “favorite” and “icon”.

WPMarmite favicon on the landing page.

It can be found at the top of the address or title bar, in the favorites or in the shortcuts. The favicon is also used as an application icon on your mobile or in your browser extensions.

By default, a “WP” logo is assigned if you have created your site on WordPress. But each site can have its own custom favicon. This is what allows you to differentiate it at first glance, especially if you always have too many tabs open on your browser.

  • How to create your favicon? On WPMarmite’s YouTube channel, we explain how to create a favicon on WordPress. You can integrate your logo or your initials. The important thing is that the favicon has the same colors and fonts that you have chosen for the style guide of your site.
  • What size should a favicon be on WordPress? The recommended size is 512 x 512 pixels.

You probably know the favicons of your favorite sites by heart: the “a” underlined by an orange arrow for Amazon, the gray apple for Apple, the multicolored “g” on a white background for Google, to name a few.

At WPMarmite, our favicon is our logo: a small pot, recognizable among thousands. We bet it’s already in your favorites 😉