Cover OceanWP

OceanWP theme: is it still possible not to use it?

This theme is not as well known as famous athletes or singers. But if it continues to grow, it could be one day, as its growth is so rapid. This is OceanWP, “the only truly free WordPress theme with pro features” as explained…

30 March 2022

Is OnePress the best one page WordPress theme?

One love, One blood, OnePress. This could have been the lyrics of a famous song by the band U2, if its members had been fervent WordPress users. With active installations and rated 4.6 out of 5 on the official WordPress…

18 January 2022

Neve, the WordPress theme that turns your website into a rocket

If you are a regular visitor to this blog, you know that we have already presented several themes known for their performance. OceanWP, Astra and GeneratePress, not to mention them. With them, I thought I had seen everything. Well, I…

28 September 2021
Le thème WordPress Sydney.

The Sydney theme on WordPress: a “history” still essential?

Sydney? The capital of Australia, of course! Red alert. After choking up, geography fans will have rectified that. The capital Down Under is Canberra, of course. Phew, here is the honor safe. If we continue our little tour of the…

8 September 2021
Visual Composer

Visual Composer: heavyweight or featherweight?

Just imagine. You are shopping, walking down the street, or rushing to be on time for your next appointment. Suddenly, on your way, your eyes meet someone’s. The face looks familiar. And then you say to yourself: “I know her”….

5 May 2021

Impreza theme: is it an impressive one or what?

I don’t know what it reminds you of, but the word Impreza immediately reminds me of burnt rubber, hand brakes, skidding, and the mythical rally driver Colin McRae. And with good reason: this word is associated with a car model…

5 March 2021

7 essential WordPress event registration plugins (to manage and follow up)

Weddings, concerts, professional seminars, theme parties, sports events: whatever the event you want to organize, a lot of work awaits you to manage it all. Between setting up a calendar, registrations, ticket sales, or even sending emails to communicate with…

10 February 2021

Does the X theme just sell dreams?

It cuts prices, is the second most sold theme on ThemeForest, anphod presents itself as the “best” theme on the market. All this without having a big head. This confident specimen is X. Who is it? I repeat, this is…

3 December 2020
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