
7 plugins to boost your WordPress menu

When you sit at a restaurant table, there is inevitably one element that you look forward to: the presentation of the different menus.

An appealing menu makes you salivate and whets your appetite. It makes you want to take a first bite, right? Yummy.

Wow, a triple burger for Homer!

On a WordPress site, it’s quite similar. An attractive menu with content adapted to the needs of your visitors makes it easier to navigate, and encourages them to continue visiting your pages.

To achieve such a result, it is wise, even essential to enable a plugin to improve your WordPress menu, or to manage it more finely.

To help you find your way through the jungle of plugins available on the official directory, I have selected 7 plugins.

Thanks to them, you’ll be able to add options to your menu that WordPress doesn’t offer natively.

Have I made you drool? Let’s start the tasting right now!

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How to create a good menu on WordPress?

Before we get into the presentation and study the different plugins to improve WordPress menus, it is necessary to lay the foundations.

Looking to improve your menu is fine, but there is a prerequisite. You need to know how to design a good menu. It goes without saying, right?

What exactly is a good menu? Let’s just say that it has certain key characteristics:

Having a well-designed menu is very effective for the UX (user experience) that you will offer to your visitors. If the navigation is simple and they can easily find what they are looking for, you multiply the chances to keep them on your site. In return, you give yourself more opportunities to:

To put all of this into practice in real life, and design a great menu, I have a great resource for you: our tutorial to teach you how to manage and optimize WordPress menus like a pro.

Why add features to the WordPress menu?

By now, you may be asking yourself one question, related to the theme of this post: why add features to your WordPress menu?

In fact, there are two main reasons why you might want to do so:

7 plugins to improve WordPress menus

So, this time, we are there. Let’s review 7 plugins to improve WordPress menus. As it was impossible for me to present you all the plugins on the subject, here are the criteria I chose for this selection:

Max Mega Menu, the plugin to create a WordPress mega menu

Active installations: 400K+

Max Mega Menu “automatically converts your existing menu into a mega menu”. But what is a mega menu?

It is an expandable menu, which is revealed for example by mouse hovering, showing all the navigation options at a glance. It is often found on large ecommerce sites, which offer many categories and sub-categories of items.

A mega menu is not suitable for all sites and must be used wisely. In other words, if you have a classic showcase site with a handful of pages, don’t go for it. It would have no interest at all.

If your site hosts a lot of contents, then why not. In this case, Max Mega Menu can be a great ally.

It is the most popular plugin in the directory for designing this type of menu. At this point, you can imagine that it has a few advantages.

In Max Mega Menu, we appreciate:

The little extra: you can enable the display of the mega menu on mouseover or click.

Max Mega Menu also has a premium version, available from $29/year for one site.

Among the dozen or so additional options offered, there is the possibility to design a sticky mega menu (fixed to scroll), change the orientation of the menu from horizontal to vertical format, or integration and support for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.

What about other mega menu plugins? If Max Mega Menu is the most popular plugin in the official directory to set up a mega menu, it is not the only one. 😉 You can also find QuadMenu or WP Mega Menu. For information, I present them to you in this detailed test.

Download Max Mega Menu:

WP Mobile Menu, to design a responsive menu

Active installations: 100K+

WP Mobile Menu is a WordPress menu plugin that offers to enhance the engagement of your visitors on the mobile version of your site, in other words when they visit it on their smartphone.

To do this, it offers different options to customize the appearance of your menu, and make it more attractive, with the aim of encouraging your visitors to click on the links.

Offering an effective menu on smartphones should be part of a more global objective, aiming at making your site optimized for all screen sizes.

It is fundamental for the user experience, since you will facilitate the navigation through your contents.

It is also fundamental in terms of SEO, since Google takes into account the mobile version of your site when browsing and indexing your pages in its directory.

Depending on the theme you use, the options to create a responsive menu on mobile will not always be very appealing. WP Mobile Menu can fill this gap, as you will see just below.

In WP Mobile Menu, we appreciate:

The little extra: You can add an overlay, that is to say a layer of color of your choice, on the background of your menu.

WP Mobile Menu has a paid version starting at $6.49/month for use on one site. You can for example disable your menu on some pages, or make it visible only to logged-in users.

The pro version of this WordPress menu plugin is interesting, but can be pricey (up to $89.99/year).

Be sure to check the options offered by your theme before considering an investment, knowing that the cheapest premium license does not offer WooCommerce features (i.e. you won’t be able to add a Shopping Cart icon in the menu).

What about other plugins to create a mobile menu? Among the competitors of WP Mobile Menu on the official directory, I came across WP Responsive Menu and Responsive Menu.

Download WP Mobile Menu:

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myStickymenu, to build a fixed menu on top of the screen

Active installations: 100K+

Look at the header of this WordPress site. This site has implemented a very practical process so that its menu stays permanently at the top of the screen.

Colloquially speaking, we call it a sticky menu. Concretely, as soon as a visitor scrolls a little on a page, the menu remains visible at the top of the screen.

Always displayed on the screen, the menu helps visitors to navigate easily between your contents and to find their way if they get lost.

In order to set up this kind of nice menu, you can rely on the myStickymenu plugin, which does not lack benefits.

In myStickymenu, we appreciate:

The little extra: as a bonus, myStickymenu has an option to display a welcome bar at the top of your screen. Of course, it will belong to the sticky menu as well. 😉 You can use it to display an information or a promotional message, for example.

A Pro version of this WordPress menu plugin is available from $25/year for use on 1 site.

You can for example disable the “sticky” effect on desktop or mobile, add effects (opacity, fade, slide), or exclude pages on which you do not want the sticky menu to appear.

What about other plugins to create a sticky menu? If myStickymenu doesn’t suit you, have a look at one of its competitors: Sticky Menu & Sticky Header. I found its interface less easy to use than myStickymenu, but you could still like it. For your information, we have tested it on the blog.

Download myStickymenu:

Active installations: 200K+

Need to spice up your menu, especially in terms of visual appearance? Stop everything you do (except reading), I may have what you need in store.

My new find allows you to add icons to your menu items, with just a few clicks.

With this, you will be able to offer a more visually appealing menu, as long as you don’t overuse the icons. Remember: the whole should remain consistent and readable.

For your information, Menu Icons (that’s the name of the plugin) is developed and maintained by the ThemeIsle team, which is also behind the Neve theme (300K+ active installations). 

In Menu Icons, we appreciate:

The little extra: All the options of Menu Icons are available for free.

What about other plugins to add icons to your WordPress menu? Do you want to test the competition and see what they have in store? Test the Menu Image and WP Menu Icons plugins, for example.

Download Menu Icons:

User Menus, a plugin to control the visibility of your menus

Active installations: 100K+

Next name on our test list: User Menus. This WordPress menu plugin will not help you to improve or customize the visual appearance of your menu.

However, it does give you extensive control over the visibility of your menu items. You can choose to display them or not, according to certain criteria, among which:

By default, WordPress offers several roles (e.g. Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor and Subscriber), each of which can perform different tasks.

In User Menus, we appreciate:

The little extra: It is also possible to add a sign up or login/logout button in the menu of your site, with the possibility to redirect to the URL of your choice.

What about other plugins to control the visibility of your menus? For your information, you should know that the Nav Menu Roles plugin offers roughly the same options as User Menus.

Download User Menus:

Login Logout Menu, to add a login/logout button to your menu

Active installations: 20K+

When presenting the previous plugin, I told you about the possibility to integrate a login/logout button to your menu.

Now that you’re in the thick of it, let’s dive in! The WordPress menu plugin I talk about now specifically offers this action.

Namely, as detailed in its description on the official directory, “Login Logout Menu plugin will help you to add the dynamic login and logout menu to any menu of your WordPress website“.

This feature can come in handy if your site has a membership area, for example.

In Login Logout Menu, we appreciate:

The little extra: it is possible to add the links of your choice in any page or article, using a shortcode.

Download Login Logout Menu:

Elementor, to design advanced menus… but not only

Active installations: 5M+

Now let’s talk about a plugin of a special kind, since it is a page builder.

With more than 10 million users, Elementor is the most popular page builder in the WordPress ecosystem.

Among its many options, this hyper powerful tool allows for example to create very advanced menus in its premium version, called Elementor Pro (affiliate link).

Sit back, it’s time for the show.

In Elementor, we appreciate:

The little extra: the ecosystem around Elementor. If you don’t use Elementor Pro, there are many add-ons that help you to create an advanced menu, sometimes for free. Discover our selection on the WPMarmite blog.

Elementor is available in a free version, but it is logically limited in terms of options: it does not offer a widget to create a menu.

To design professional WordPress sites with limitless possibilities, Elementor Pro will be essential. It is offered from $49/year for a use on 1 site.

Build your website with Elementor

Design easily the look and feel of your WordPress website with the famous page builder.

What about other page builders? In the page builder family, there are other must-have tools. Most of them also offer options and modules to create and enhance your menu. For more details, find our presentation of 10 page builders. For example, Divi Builder or Beaver Builder.

Download Elementor:

They could also have been on the menu of this test

As you can imagine, it is impossible to talk in detail about all the plugins that allow you to create or customize menus on WordPress. We would be overwhelmed.

As a bonus, I wanted to share with you some additional plugins that came up during my research.

They could very well meet some of your expectations. For example, I could mention:

Which WordPress menu plugin to choose?

As you’ve seen throughout these lines, there are a multitude of plugins to improve menus on WordPress.

You can use them to create a sticky menu or a mega menu, or even to add icons and control the visibility of some items.

When making your choice, I recommend to pay attention to the following elements:

Is it all good for you? The floor is now yours.

Which WordPress menu plugin do you use, and why such a choice? I look forward to hearing from you in the comments.

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